Saturday, August 29, 2009

Devil in disguise.....

You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise......
I do believe Elvis was singing about Crean Lake!!
She looks so calm and inviting. She lures unsuspecting folks to her furthest bays to cast their hooks into her deep waters.
She can look like crystal with nary a ripple.....but she has cast her lot with the north wind.
So many times before she has given up her Northern Pike and Pickerel into your get you coming back.
I don't trust her.
I won't turn my back on her.
I won't laze too long in her midst.
She will turn on you with a vengeance and send you heading for the nearest shore.
The day I took these pictures she was an angel of a lake. Hooks could have melted in her mouth.
A week before this she caught us unawares.
Back in the bay we sat...casting our hooks, enjoying the calm. The bay began to move with ripples....then waves....then white caps. Before we could say "Jack Fish", we knew we'd be in for a rough ride home. Up with the anchor. Away with the tackle box. Start up the motor.
We were off and out of the white capped bay and into the vastness of an angel-turned-devil....Crean Lake. Further out we drove our 115 hp Merc. He was up for the trial ahead. Bang! Thump! Crash! Our little 16ft. fibre glass boat was in for a beating but she was brave.
"Slow down", says I to the captain. "We don't want her to split in two!!"
"Right", says he.....(or words to that effect).
As we entered open waters the swells easily were five and six feet. The captain navigated as close to shore as he dared and we took those swells at right angles.
From the time we left the bay, to the time we reached the Heart Lakes Channel, my white knuckles were fixed tightly on either side of the console.
A fisherman's prayer was uttered as we swirled our way towards safety...but not a thought was given to taking some pictures of the dreaded, angry sea that encompassed us. NOT ONE THOUGHT. Dang. There could have been some really good ones too.....
As the ranger's cabin came into sight, we did notice a boat out in the middle of the lake...seeming to be just sitting there. It was a fairly large boat, so we really didn't think too much about it.
In yesterday's Star Phoenix a story appeared about a boat, caught up in the treachery of the devil lake....Crean.....around the same time we figured we were there. Could that boat have been these poor folks in the article, who had run out of gas, and were desperately trying to change over tanks but found the water was coming in too fast, who ended up on some shore, having had to walk back several miles to their vehicle.......and who were in their middle 80's, no less????
We wondered about that. We figured the possibility was quite high.
So, ya. She's a devil in disguise alright.
Every year we say we won't be enticed into her waters......and every year she wins out.

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