Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Sounds like it's thundering out there. Reminds me of rain....which, in turn, reminds me of vacation 2009. I think I can remember only one lightening storm (non-severe) during that whole 6 weeks. But rain, we got.
Like sunsets, clouds are my next favorite things to photograph......well, insects are fascinating too and birds and animals (and if the truth be known, people are great subjects too, if they know they aren't being photographed). So I suppose I simply like everything.......
My prayer for you this night is that God would watch over you while the storms of life pound you from all directions. You may think you're out for the count, but He'll lift you up by your rubber boots 'til they drain (and you will be flailing about upside down) and He will set you on dry ground, blow dry your hair and you will begin to see how really blessed you are.
Believe it..........

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