Sunday, November 8, 2009

Remembrance week....

From summer....
To winter......

From the mountains....

To the prairies.....
No matter where we are or what season of life we're experiencing,
no matter where we've come from or where we're heading,
the 11th of November is a day for all of us to remember a particular time
when peace crept out of a time of war.
It is a day that drives us to appreciate more of what we have, not only as individuals
but as a nation.
We have come from a time of war to a time of least the generation
before me did.
I have never known war in my country during my lifetime, never had to have my children leave
home to become a part of something bigger than themselves....bigger because war involved so much more than each person as an involved the sacrifice of entire families, and great parts of entire countries. I have not known that kind of sacrifice or loss.
So, November 11 reminds me of a world that is broken, a world that shared a great loss together. It reminds me of the importance of not letting greed and power overtake the world . It reminds me that God still loves people even in the midst of their self-centered worlds and that there is hope for humanity to see that love demonstrated through our relationship with Him.
November 11th. Sacrifice. Hope. Peace.
We shall remember.....

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