Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sweet Sixteen....

February 4th began in a fog.
Gram sang Brittney the "Birthday Song"
(a 16th birthday rendition)
Gramps and Brittney
"Paddy" and Brittney
"Mammas" and Brittney
The Birthday Plate lick in memory of
her great-grandpa Benson
Yep, turning 16 causes smoke!!!

Our beautiful Brittney!

Sweet Sixteen and looking like
a lovely young woman!!!

Sixteen years have gone by. Where did they go?
Wasn't it just yesterday a sweet, chubby cherub made her way into the world where she would be loved and cared for and brought up well.
She continues to mature and grow and learn the lessons of life, knowing she will always be loved by her family.
She is sensitive and caring and loving and kind and has all the qualities that will make this world a better place.......because of her.
A great source of us all.
HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN to our very sweet granddaughter, Brittney Elizabeth. May God watch over her and bring her through the trials and temptations of teenage years....and may He protect her when the proverbial "licence" is issued. AMEN!!!

1 comment:

Linea said...

Wow, sixteen already. I agree she is a beautiful young woman. Happy belated birthday Brittany.