Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sub-titled story of love....

I was alone in the house this evening, so in true after-work fashion, I put my feet up and watched a Japanese directed film by Akira Kurosawa, shot in Siberia, Russia and sub-titled from Russian into English.

I was enthralled.  It was called "Dersu Uzala"

A story of two men...one a Russian military captain and explorer of Siberia and a Nanai guide whose ancestors were from Manchuria, China.  It told a story of agape love.  Both learning to respect the other and finally willing to give up their lives for the other....which each did, more than once.

It rang true for me, this love story, (yes, even between two rugged outdoor men) especially this Holy Week as I attempt to grasp the meaning of "true love".  What kind of love is it that allows one to give up his very life for another?  I ask myself this question every year about this time.  It sounded like the death of the Christ, giving up not only for one person...you....but also for me and everyone else too.  A love like no other.

I am encouraged by this film, especially this week as I contemplate the meaning of real, selfless, ego-less love in its fulness.

I pray I would seek out and find true meaning to what real love is this Easter Season.

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