Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Would you, at 16????

Most young gals at 16 wouldn't go on a picnic with their grammy and grampy...but Brittney would!!!

Sunday, she brought her books with her, working away diligently, trying to complete her project....and she did.

But she also enjoyed being with us and roasting weiners over the fire pit, seeing who could get theirs cooked to perfection first.  Then it's off the freshly cut willow stick and into one of the last 6 hotdog buns Safeway had left. 

Mustard.  Relish.  Ketchup.  Cheese Whiz.  A tad macaroni and potato a bottle of water.

That was our picnic.

We laughed.  We talked.  I took her picture as "Hot Dog Queen"  and we looked around at the beauty of the new green leaves, the warmth of the afternoon sun and enjoyed the smell of the open fire. 

Then I told stories of when I used to walk over to this very spot and have fun at the little paddling pool "just over there" when I was 4 and 5 years old.  I recall mom let me borrow her new bathing cap and away I ran off across the street to what was then "Bryant Park".  I must have been with a friend and her mom because I know my mom would never let me go there alone.  I remember tripping and falling face first into the little pool...where I ended up floating...much to my total amazement.  First time I realized I could actually do that...float....and it was the beginning of my love of swimming.  That was 58 years ago.  The same trees, granted much smaller,  I'm sure were there too, ...I don't remember the elms...but I DO remember the spruce trees.  We lived right across from where the water park now stands, so our visit with granddaughter to my old stomping grounds on Sunday brought back some great memories to share with her.

The only bad thing about that story was the fact that I left mom's bathing cap at the paddling pool!  She wasn't happy.  I remember that!!!

We are fortunate indeed and blessed to have a beautiful 16 year old granddaughter who would be willing to take time to picnic with we old folk...our relationship is totally reciprocal.  We love one other!!

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