Saturday, October 23, 2010

How deep....

Sometimes I think about God's love for me.  It's a pretty big thought.  I really can't put words to it but there are others who have.  Here is one song we'll sing tomorrow.  It begins with this verse:

"How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure.
How great the pain of searing loss, the Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One, bring many sons to glory."

Tomorrow as we begin our six week series entitled "A Season to Grow", we will begin to talk about what God has done for a church and as individuals.  We will begin the job of looking inward, of reflection, of taking stalk of our relationship with God.  Are we going backward...standing still....being luke-warm or indifferent towards God?  How are we viewing our fellow man who shares this planet with us?  Are we being just in our view of others or are we judgemental?  Do we follow through on plans to help others?  Are we walkin' the walk...or just talkin' the talk?  And if we call ourselves "Christians" or "Christ followers", how do others know we are who we say we are?  Are we making a difference in our little corner of the world?  Questions that need to be asked.  Pertinent questions. 
And when we begin to answer these questions, it's kind of like being in a probationary review or at least a little slot out of our lives that causes us to rethink where we are in our spiritual walk with the God of the universe.  I get to thinking about this and begin to realize again the importance of the here and now and to think about how I am measuring up.  It will be kind of late to change the world to any degree, lying on my death it's NOW that I need to concern myself with....not tomorrow...or later.  NOW. 
Not sure if ever you think on these things but I surely do.
So these next six weeks should bring about a change for the good in my life, if it is what I truly desire within me.  
Yes...........change is good, quote a big green guy.
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Clinton said...

I have been thinking similar thoughts lately, and strangely enough, about that particular song too.

Sharon said...

Yes, it is good to have those kinds of thoughts so that we can grow and become...

I have never sung that song yet without getting emotional in my spirit because it speaks of a love that I can hardly understand and yet I know it is true for me.