Thursday, February 17, 2011

Brace up and get movin'.....

That's what I did that leg all braced up, grabbed the crutches and hobbled in early to Carlton High School's cafetorium for the grade 11 Awards Day.

I managed to (almost) slide down to the very front row with husband, picked out a pretty center-stage, first row seat, pulled up a chair next to me and plopped my poor old leg down for a few hours.

Then came the readying of Mr. Olympus.  He hadn't been out in a while either but once the stage was set, he couldn't help himself.  It was just one picture after another.

Granddaughter was high on the scholastic standings this semester with a 97% average - and that's taking Physics, Math, English, the French program!  Pretty stupendous and we are very proud of her hard work and initiative that went into that 97% average!

Here's how it all went.....

Sir Learnsalot stood over the proceedings.

Brittney awaiting her award.

Principal, Mrs. Kilmer

A brother/sister team from Carlton entertained the crowd.

Brittney being congratulated by the Principal and Board
of Education Director.

A proud moment for Brittney...and for her (and our) friend, Jenn, too!

It will look pretty fine hanging on the wall!

It's funny, but kids don't seem that excited to be getting these awards for some reason.  I was wondering why that was...perhaps there are so many things that vie for their attention, things that tell them they can do anything they want to, things that say there is so much more out there....and so they get concentrating on all that other 'stuff', they may forget to appreciate their moment of achievement, small as it may seem.  If it were me, it would be a very huge deal....of course I was never an A+ student.  If I could muster up a 'C', I was one happy girl!  I'd probably enjoy going to high school that I'm over my lack of self-confidence, now that I know that I really am important in the scheme of things....not overly important, but important an a human being.  I never really learned those important lessons in life when I was it's never too late to learn life lessons.

Congratulations Brittney!  You have done extremely well and we are proud of who you a person!

1 comment:

Linea said...

Wow! Way to go Brittney.