Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New life....

Spring.  Easter.  Birth.  They all have the common denominator of "new life".

New life conjures up all kinds of thoughts like water running, eggs hatching, flowers blooming, farmers planting, longer days, warmer evenings and new and improved ways of thinking.  It reminds me of my blessings of being alive and my ability to enjoy life.

But even in the midst of these 'new life' thoughts, comes a harsh, yet simple reality.  New life brings with it, its very own end result.....death.  Life  Death.  They are totally dependent upon each other, totally inseparable.  Like the old song says, "you can't have one without the other."!  I was reminded again today of how close the two are when I was told that the mom of one of my co-worker's had died.  Not expected.  One moment she was living, giving, loving, breathing and the next, she was not.  She passed life on through the birth of her life, and they, in turn, have passed life on through their own children. Life...and Death.

And this week, as we delve into the old Biblical/historical narrative story of this man, Jesus, we look once again at this concept of 'new life'.   Jesus offered everyone new life, a new way of thinking, a new way of being a human being, a new way of living.  It seems very odd though, that he should, in the midst of all the hoopla upon his coming into Jerusalem, be killed.  Very odd indeed.  But God gave us this example of Jesus to follow and he said that we should follow Jesus teachings, those things he talked about when he was around crowds of folks.  God made it very clear.  But like Jesus disciples, we really don't get Jesus teachings most of the time either, if the truth be known.  We stumble about, making poor choices, bad decisions, wrong turns and not really thinking about this 'new life' stuff.  We sometimes make feeble efforts to change our behaviors or our attitudes.  We at times make room for others, to love them and care for them.  Often times we don't.  We're big, fat failures as human beings.....a great deal of the time.....according to what Jesus taught anyway.  Sometimes, we are so bold to think we actually have the answers to all of life's questions.  Oh woe, to all who think that way!

And when we think about Easter, how God gave us a way to have 'new life', in the sacrifice of Jesus, well, sometimes, like his disciples, we don't always get that either.  But it is something that is offered to us every moment of every day. New Life.   We can take it...or leave it.  When we take it, we think on things other than ourselves, we become selfless and thoughtful.  When we leave it, our ego takes over and we live for ourselves and our families only.

I know I should have written this post in the personal "I" format, but I know too well that all of us have failed and have "come short of the glory of God" as it says in the Scriptures. If we think otherwise, we lie to ourselves.

But God is a God of second, third and tenth chances.  He forgives and offers 'new life'.

God wants our attention. Jesus story tells us that!  He gave us an example to follow and it's up to us to get up off our butts and follow.  Jesus examples are leading the way. 

New Life.  It's for everyone!!!

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