Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Get enough...???

If you are queasy about female anatomical stuff and a tad sensitive about discussing these issues, this blog post is NOT for you!  Go have a cup of guava juice and some celery instead!

It's what I asked my doctor following today's procedure of snipping parts of my female inner-most parts of my being.....I didn't want to say uterus but I guess I will:)

Having an endomitrial biopsy is not the most fun thing in the world....but it's doable.  You just take deep breaths, do some counting exercises while trying not to scream out, scaring the poor little gal who is his assistant who has taken to a chair before collapsing on the floor. I apologized to her afterward for not being the epitome of bravery for her faint of heart senses but it was the best I could do.  After all, women have this done every day, right?  I need to work on bravery.

The doctor, by my calculations as to just how many times I had to hold my own head in a vice-grip and take deep breaths, did get enough tissue for the biopsy which will be whisked away for further scrutiny.

The big deal began last night when I took pills that would make this procedure more "accessible", shall we say.  One just wonders about the things they are prescribed, especially when one reads the little papers that come with the medication.  "May cause severe cramping."  "Used for abortion procedures."  You begin to get the picture when the long-forgotten menstrual cramps begin in earnest, keeping you awake long into the night...and even when you do fall asleep, you are dreaming of trees falling on your mid-section and you're unable to move...or something biting at your middle as you attempt to run know, stuff like that.  So that's how the night went.  Then came the morning.  Oh my.  I didn't think it could get worse...but it did.  What the heck were these pills doing to me anyway.  All I can say is....well, I won't even say it.

When I walked into the examining room at 11 AM, he asked me how I was feeling.  So, I asked HIM if he had ever taken those pills he, of course not.  He has no bloody idea what it feels like. (No pun intended)!

Through all of this, I do recall having this procedure done...oh, probably 15 years ago.  It was painful then, too.  But this time, the doctor had to make sure he got enough tissue.  Three snips and I'm down for the count.  For a few moments I really figured I was going to lose it, but looking at that poor nearly-fainting girl holding the tray of "utensils", I got my stiff British upper lip going and dug in for the long haul. 

Thinking about it now, 15 minutes of pain really is nothing compared with the pain some folks I know are enduring at this very moment.  So, I thank God for small mercies and people who upheld me in their thoughts and prayers during the day.

Now for pills to stop the cramping and everything that goes along with THAT....only four more days to go.  By Monday I should be feeling pippy.

So, that was my last 24 hours in a nutshell.  Managed to have brief stints of sleep this afternoon, without dreams of being beaten up and eaten alive.  All good.

Let's go and have a good sleep tonight.  That was enough fun for one day, in my estimation.

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