Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Made it...

Those were three pretty intensely busy days...and I've come away unscathed!

As I type this, I hear my computer making all manner of unnecessary noises.  My new one cannot come soon enough!

We had a Kid's Klub supper of Irish stew and biscuits tonight.  Good!  Too many points on the Weight Watchers program for me to count.  So, we'll chalk this day up to "one of those days".  Onward and upward.

Then came the church Vitality Committee meeting.  As much as some may think, I do believe our committee is progressing in ways that aren't too tangible but we are progressing nonetheless.  It's difficult to measure spiritual things in tangible ways:)

Tomorrow....well, tomorrow will be just that.  Shall wait and see what it brings.  I hope it brings you good friend will be having surgery tomorrow and so I leave her in the care of the One who cares the most!  Best place.

Oh, on my way home from my meeting tonight, there were two planets just sitting out there in the western sky.  So pretty.  All twinkling and shining like someone had simply flung them up there:)  I wanted to take a picture but that means tripod and stuff...too tired.

Sleep well my friends....


Anonymous said...

I love your stories

Matthew said...

"So, we'll chalk this day up to 'one of those days.' Onward and upward."

That's a crucially important attitude to have if we want to be successful in making change a reality. If we fail in some way, we learn from it and keep going, we don't dwell on it and let it define what's possible.

Good job!