Monday, June 18, 2012

Well, what can I say...

It was extravagant, elegant, extraordinary, excellent and all around the epitamy of entertainment.

That was my retirement party.

Never in all my life have I experienced four hours of total unabashed joy and thankfulness.  I cannot even describe my feelings and I won't even try....not yet anyway.  Perhaps some day all the right words will come out here to tell you all about it but for now we shall say it was totally wonderful.

But it's now a matter of getting myself into some form of.....something.......something I've never experienced before either....I feel like I'm expected to be somewhere but I don't know where that somewhere is.  I must find out about it all.  Can't quite describe this feeling either.

I think I'm in some kind of nether world where I don't really fit anywhere but must just go along with my moments until they seem to fit into something concrete.  Does that make sense???  If it doesn't, I can understand that, 'cause I really don't understand it all yet myself.

Go with the flow....go with the usually ends up in the ocean....really BIG ocean.  We shall see.

One day left to get trailer packed, and get everything ready for the big trip Wednesday morning.  It should take us at least  an hour to get there:)

Now, for another retirement luncheon tomorrow for our good friend, Brian.  Another one bites the dust....heeheehee 

Hope they're all managing at work without me....not sure I am without them...:(

Nite all...I'll be taking my laptop with me so I can keep in touch.  Ta ta then dear ones...I shall catch a fish or two and all will be well with the world.....nite...

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Congratulations Sharon! I loved the pictures Matt put up. Enjoy it all!