Sunday, October 14, 2012


I really don't have anything much to say here.  I suppose I could go on about this and that but sometimes there are too many things rolling around in this head of mine to stop and get them organized enough to fully express them here.

Soul things...

Spirit things...

Physical things....

Mind things....

I did dream/had a nightmare last night though.  I dreamt I was filled with bug larvae and tape worms and all kinds of creepy things.  I could see them just under my skin.  I cut open little slits in my skin and out would pop some kind of insect larvae.  I made it to the doctor and he gave me some kind of shot to kill all of them but they were just creeping me out in the meantime. 

I wonder what that dream means...

Perhaps it was just that I was watching the OASIS channel before bed.  There was a program about all kinds of insects and worms and gross things like that.  Interesting but totally creepy.  I won't watch that before bed again!

At least I didn't dream of spiders! 

And just so you don't have any bad dreams, here are some pretty peaceful shots I took this summer.

Now let's get a good night's sleep, shall we?

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