Saturday, December 1, 2007

Getting ready.

We're having guests for supper this evening. They are friends. We know them well. We enjoy it when they come over just to sit and talk and laugh.

I've been busy getting ready to receive them. You know, the cleaning, the preparing various things for when they arrive. Husband will do the Bar-B-Q thingy and I'll do the salad thingy.

Before I got up this morning I was thinking about all of that and how it really is what Christmas is about......the season of Advent, which begins tomorrow.

Advent is really about preparing to receive the Christ, once again, into our lives. A time where we clean up, as it were, on the inside, so that we are ready to receive Him. A time to do some reflection and perhaps some fasting, if that is what you are led to do. "Cleaning up for Jesus" I suppose we could say. Cleaning up and preparing for Him as we would for a friend, so that when we meet him face to face, it will be a time of enjoying a friendship that has long been established. It is good when we know Him, because after all, preparing for a guest whom you know really well is all the more sweeter. You seem to go the extra mile.

Advent, year after year, is a time of getting ready because one day we WILL meet him. I want to be ready for that moment.

So, Happy Advent (tomorrow). My prayer is that when husband and I receive our guests today, we are all cleaned and ready to give them our very hopefully, we would for any guest.

I have this one room though, that is still a disaster.....................I'll be working on it........

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