Monday, December 31, 2007

Where, oh where, did 2007 go??

It was a fast and furious year, don't you think? It was for us, at least.

Moving from the old house was, I suppose, the most significant event for 2007.

It was also a very good year. My life seems to be changing. I'm getting different perspectives on life, on God, on living, on myself..........

I shall try and keep up with it all. I'm thinking many things through....regarding my walk with Christ. It's all good.

I don't like to end the year making a bunch of promises I know I won't, or can't keep.

So I shall end the year here by offering a prayer for my family, my friends, for a broken world.

I pray for God to continue his hold on my life and for him to transform me daily.

I pray for health and strength for each of us, in order to meet the days ahead.

I pray for those of you who are searching for "something" in your life, that you would find it and be truly satisfied and never feel empty or alone again.

I pray for all who have "pasts" that keep them there......for them to begin the journey out of darkness and into Light and Hope and Life and forgiveness and freedom.

God gives second chances..........and more........

May God walk close to us all in 2008..........

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