Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday with Bob.

I feel blessed to know our retired Salvation Army Lt. Col. Bob Chapman here in P.A.

I say "our" because he has come to our aid many times with a message of hope and peace on a Sunday morning when Pastor Randall has been on vacation or away on business.

He and his wife Elvina are good, God fearing people who want the best for a hurting world. They live out their faith. I've seen it.

Living through the tragedies of their own family and coming out still preaching hope and love from a God who offers it freely, causes me to ask God for that kind of faith.

Faith that walks you through the death of a son, a daughter-in-law and two grandsons.

I don't know about you, but that kind of faith gives me courage to go forward in life.

It also gives me a great deal of perspective on the important things in life.

Family. That's what is important........I know, I've said that before on other blogs. But it's true!

This Sunday with visiting "Lt. Col. Bob", I received a whole whack of humour, plus a three-point sermon on the wise men/persons ;-) of the Christmas story in the Bible................which were the 3 F's......Follow (the star to the Savior).....Find(the infant Jesus and salvation) ..............and Fall (on our knees to worship the King of all creation).

Yes. It was a good Sunday with Bob!

1 comment:

Linea said...

I think Lt.Col Bob could almost say anything - or nothing and God's message would come through loud and clear just by who he is and how he lives life.