Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The "good ole' days"!

Well, that was a day, wasn't it now?

I had almost forgotten what minus 43C felt like. When I wrapped myself in my dear mother's fur coat this morning and walked out the door, it all came back. Those same feelings of when I was a kid walking to school....when your nostrils would freeze together at the first shocking intake of ice crystals and the freezing air grabs hold of your eyeballs and tries its darndest to freeze even those out of your head.

I remembered how Mom would make sure we were all bundled up - two pair of mitts, wool hat, scarf around the forehead and cheeks and mouth, ski pants and jacket, extra pair of socks inside lined boots, but not before we dressed in brown wool stockings, heavy slacks, shirt and a couple of sweaters.

Those were the January's where I don't remember it getting much higher than minus 25 or 30C all month long. And we walked to school.....8 very long blocks. was all the same. No one to drive us. We simply headed out.........and walked back home for lunch at noon, then back again for the afternoon and home again at 4 p.m.........walking.

By the time we reached home, our hands and feet were so cold that there were days mom would just get a basin for our feet so they could thaw properly and get the blood flowing again. Our scarves were thick with frost too, and mom would put them over the register to dry before morning. No electric dryers those days.

No wretched wonder I have aches and pains today. I don't think this old body has ever recovered!

Ya, those were the "good ole' days" alright...................

I thought too today, about the two dear little girls who froze to death on a reserve nearby. They didn't have a mother around to make sure they were dressed for the seems as if there are just no answers to those unimaginable things, God............. and forgive those who have caused such innocents to perish.


Linea said...

The death of those two little ones - it is just about the most horrifying news of the winter.

What is wrong with our world? With the world around these little ones who should have been cared and protected?

It makes me very sad.

Anonymous said...

The horrible death those two little children suffered is painfully cruel, the question is are we as a people willing and ready to try and come together to help out our brothers and sisters who are living with no hope on the reserves. Something has to be doen, hope has to be found for these people if not for them, for us, then for the children, they should no longer have to suffer. They are gifts not hindrances who bear far more than we are aware. My heart truly goes out to the family. And as angry as I feel towards the parents, the dad in particular, I can not imagine how he will live with what he has done. Unbearable he needs the prayer I think now maybe more than anyone right now. How truly awful.

Sharon Kent said...

Yes. Our world IS broken and such brokenness needs fixing...somehow. It would good to be a part of the rebuilding of lives..precious lives. It is too late for those little ones but there are thousands more who lives are on the brink. The majority of folks turn the other way.

There must be a way to bring the story of "the good Samaritan" into being...into practice, with us, to be of help as a community. Lots to think on. I get tired sitting back and watching..........

Yes, we need to ask God for wisdom in all of these things and for forgiveness, even for ourselves for judging and for not being Christ to a hurting world. Like the Body of Christ....when one hurts..all hurt.