Sunday, January 25, 2009

How to live...

This morning "pastor" Marc, spoke about living life by holding on to the things we 'posess' very life not tied to physical things.

No matter how many times I hear that, I have to again get my head around it and remember that all I possess doesn't belong to me anyway. All I have acquired, bought and paid for has come from the Father's generous hand. Everything.

Nothing I possess is of greater value than any relationship I have....with anyone. Things are things. They gather dust. Their value goes up and down. They fall apart, get broken and become worthless..........but people and our relationships with them, go on to eternity. Not sure how that will happen but I know it will. I guess the essence of what he was saying this morning was that life is short and we need to make the best of it while we still have time. The world and everything in it will one day be gone, so it's best not to put all our energy into those 'things' that take us away from relationships with others....including our families.

Here is a portion of the passage Marc preached on this morning from I Corinthians 7:29-31

"Those who weep or who rejoice or who buy things should not be absorbed by their weeping or their joy or their possessions. Those who use the things of the world should not become attached to them. For this world as we know it will soon pass away."

Good things to be reminded of as we live life.

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