Saturday, September 5, 2009

theweathernetwork forecast....

We saw white flowers....
and white seeds.....

and tall water plants....

but it looked like this when the day began at 9:30
at Waskesiu Narrows...

there were cormorants necking
on the lake....

and geese flying...

We saw the loony kids who had grown up....

There was an Osprey overhead....

and an immature eagle (not that he was acting foolish
but he didn't have a white head yet!)

The waves roared and splashed with the wind
all morning.

We got just a little too close to this fellow....

And we made it to the farthest bay...
which I now call Eagle Bay...

"Mother said if I sit like this, those people
will think I'm a pine cone...but I have to
stay like this 'cause my feathers got
all wet while fishing".

Back to the dock at 5 p.m. and all was calm.

Well, it was supposed to be +23 with a 5km wind today at packed up our trusty 16ft. fiberglass with 115 Merc, a lunch and my camera, hitched said boat to truck and we were off at 7:30 a.m. It did say it would clear around noon....

Turns out it was about +16 with a 40km wind and cloudy....very, very cloudy. We figured we'd be heading back to the dock after we were out 10 minutes but there was nary a rain drop to be had. It was misty a the ocean....but no rain. Waves were getting higher with every cast of the rod. We persevered.
The pictures above tell the tale and we arrived back home around 6:30 p.m.

One fish me.

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