Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Ya, the lights went out last night and with me being claustrophobic and all....there was considerable quick action in our home.  Leaping out of bed, stumbling to the hall closet, fumbling to find the "emergency light", I found it in record time and pressed the button.


And the wind howled like a banshee.  I don't much like wind of any kind but the lightening and thunder were pretty impressive.  This morning folks were cleaning up everywhere, including me.  Branches and twigs lay strewen, nothing too big for me to handle but it was messy.

A good friend took me for tea this afternoon and then she brought our family a lovely meat caserole/stew with fresh buns for supper....which we anticipate having tomorrow for Canada Day.  How blessed to be surrounded by caring and loving people.

And the man continues to improve....we even went out to my work place for a bit of a walk about and saw the gang there.  I miss them when I'm away.......

This summer vacation, I miss this too......

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