Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The gathering of The Body....

It was a fine BBQ last evening.  Lots of folks...and food....and fellowship...and fun!  Here's the evidence...

Hillary visited with Sara...both in college now.

Kimia showed me around the fish pond.

Shannon visited with Charlie.

Pastor Seth surveyed the happenings and Christian flipped burgers.

Gracious host, Leo, took in the party from afar as did friend Phil.

Our former pastor, Randall, visited with Michelle for a time.

Bob lit up his Cuban cigar and visited with Gordon.

Hostess Linea took time for her granddaughter.

It was so very good to see...and laugh with Lauralea again!!

Yes, Micah is now much taller than Brittney as is evident!!

Wherever I go, the flowers beckon me....and I go......

The fish were in fine form.

And when husband got too tired, we packed up our bowls and chairs and silently stole away.  It was a marvelous evening with family and friends...

1 comment:

Linea said...

It was a great night. Glad everyone could come.

We still have some leftovers!