Friday, September 3, 2010

A lazy afternoon....

I took my chair out the back door and sat overlooking the river this afternoon.

I notice already the subtle changing of the colors from lush bright green to hints of golden and rust.

I really hope you don't get too bored with the pictures I post on here as it will be more of the same as time goes on and the seasons change.  It just needs capturing.  One day though, I shall attempt to go out and sit....just sit.  No camera.  I'm not sure if I can do it.

Anyway, here is what I enjoyed for an hour around 2 p.m. today.

I wonder what opportunities tomorrow will bring.  As for today, it was just an active place as I sat watching various birds, aircraft, bugs, wildflowers, canoeists and clouds, not to mention the trees and water.

Enjoy your evening.

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