Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kid's Club....

Last night it was story telling at Kid's Club.  There were also games, supper, coloring and talking.  I did the story.  I knew some of the younger children had never been used to sitting and listening to others.  They craved attention and sought any way to get it....being the center of that attention was their main purpose.  They managed to achieve their goal...but not before I had a chance to talk about a tiny baby who was(almost)  sawed in two by a very wise king.  THAT got their attention!!!  So, if nothing else, perhaps one day they may think about that story..... of how King Solomon used his great wisdom to save the life of a tiny baby and its REAL mother.  Interesting should read it one day....anyway, the kids figured it could have been pretty gruesome had the king actually sawed that little baby in half....but wisdom reigned!

We talked about wisdom....knowing right from wrong and making decisions accordingly that would be the best and most just in that situation.  That is difficult to make decisions impartially, without too much emotion being involved in that decision.

WISDOM.  Solomon asked God for it.  He didn't ask for power or riches.  He asked for wisdom to be able to rule his people.  God answered him not only by giving him wisdom, but because he asked for that particular thing, God saw fit for him to also have riches.  Good and wise thinking, Solomon!!!!

Here are some of the kids who listened????to the wisdom story.  Some adults and teens were there to help out too!

One gal even celebrated her birthday!
The Birthday Girl.

Stickers are always fun!

Playing "The Game"

Ready???for story time????

Such was my evening last.  Tonight was my first night this week to just relax....and I did just that!

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