Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mink to the rescue....

Waking up to a windchill of -42C was a bit of a.....for lack of a better word, bummer....!

I figured it was a good day for God's creation to take over.

I walked to the spare room closet and pulled out my dearly departed mother's mink coat.

Those mink know how to dress, I tell you.

It's what THEY wear when it's -42C out.

So, this night, I would like to thank those little critters who sacrificed their all to keep me all warm and snugly this morning.  Their little lives were not in vain.

I don't see why folks get all in a knot about wearing fur coats.  Fur has been in use as clothing since the beginning of time, they tell me.  Perhaps it's the methods they use to acquire the skins, I'm thinking.  But fur is really the warmest kind of outer wear in existence.  Beats feathers/down/new-fangled light-weight fabrics.

So, if you see me in my fur coat, don't yell at me or give me a lecture or tell me to go to hell because of my garment of choice....if you do, I shall simply walk away.

Besides, I didn't really make the choice to have a dad bought it for my mother to keep her warm and now, I carry on with the fur tradition....only when it's very cold, of course.

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