Saturday, December 11, 2010

The countdown begins...

As far as I can guess, I think I shall retire a year from my birthday....ya, a year from today.  This is cause for great rejoicing in the land, but also cause for great sadness.  But we won't think on that part right now.

So another birth day is nigh at a close.  I sat and had some contemplative moments today, remembering my mother....the one who bore me (with much deliberation, and difficulty, I'm told!)  It must have been a stressful time for her, living in a very tiny house, wood burning stove, no running water....with a baby and near five year old.  I don't think it was too much longer before they moved into a bit larger quarters, still a wood burning stove and no running water, but bigger.  No pampers those days.  An outdoor clothesline in mid-December filled with freshly washed diapers....daily!  Can't imagine!

So, we've come a long way in 63 years, eh?  Everyone fills up the landfills with soiled diapers, yet we all have running water and automatic washers and dryers to take care of cloth diapers!   I guess we've come a long way, alright! 

My day began early....with one whopper of a headache.  Ice on the head at 2 a.m. took the edge off.  Then around 10 a.m. we took off for a bit of breakfast but not before "Camo-Santa" ran out to start the car in the middle of shaving!

I actually got my picture taken with my birthday candles burning.

Windy....but my wish will come true!

Our girls.

Ken had to cut my birthday cake, while I took pictures!

Some lovely cards.

Grammy and her Sweetie-Weetie

Shannon enjoying herself!


The look-alikes....


Glad they didn't put the appropriate number of candles or I'd be winded...or dead!

I look pleased....and I was!

The Advent Candles burning during our supper.

We tried shopping at a few stores this afternoon but it was just too much hassle and came home.  We shall attempt a shopping trip another day.

Arriving home, I had three special birthday phone from Matt, one from Brittney & Shannon and the other from brother Garry.  It is so beautiful to be remembered on ones special day especially by those we love!

I relaxed a bit this afternoon while Ken went to help the gals with their Christmas tree.  Then we had Venice House lasagna/ribs/salad/pizza supper WITH birthday cake from Carlton Bakery.  Brittney and Shannon enjoyed it with us and brought presents!  I am so blessed.

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