Tuesday, April 8, 2008


That's what I find myself being so many times.

People ask for advice. I think it shows my age....I was going to say maturity but that would be just too over-the-top. "Age" is a sufficient term.

There's something about becoming older though. I mean, I not only look older than say.......39 ;) but along with age comes a kind of wisdom that can only be had through quite a few experiences in life.....good and bad and questionable.

When asked about this or that, I can only tell of my own experiences. That's it. I've experienced new life (as in becoming a child of God AND new life with my children being born), and death (of immediate family members) and child crises and marriage crises and personal crises and most everything in between.

I can convey to them the things I have done well but also those things I have totally bombed at in my journey.................so far. The tough stuff most often is what people can most readily relate to, my inadequacies, as it were.

I think God allows these difficult things in life, so that we can use them to help others along the way. It's what I'm finding.

Hello. My name is Sharon and I'm inadequate..................in myself.

It's God who brings about my self-worth and I'm danged glad he does too!

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