Monday, September 8, 2008

Life's far too short...

That was my conclusion at the end of this day. Life is too short to not pay attention to the important things in listening to a person at work who is grieving and needing to talk a bit.

I was insensitive. I was paying too much attention to trivialities like typing and reconcilliation of invoices to hear my friend.

I don't want to be like that. I'd rather be in the boss's bad books than be like that!

And that's all I have to say about it.


Linea said...

Maybe it all just depends on who is really your boss.

Sharon Kent said...

Point taken. Thank you, friend.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. We can't neglect the whole person, and sometimes that need to share or vent is invaluable. Too few listeners - we need more people like you.
