Monday, April 4, 2011

It wouldn't give me the time of day...

First of all I Googled "time of day in Saskatchewan".  It came up with a certain time which looked good to me.  Then I checked with the timer on the Weather Network channel and it was 2 minutes out.  I began to loose faith in my fellow time-keepers (other than Twila, of course!!)

I next checked the US Naval Observatory figuring that it must be pretty accurate since it's the US and all.  Their time didn't coincide with what I had found previously.  My elementary school education kicked into high gear and I remembered the Greenwich Mean know, the REAL time, everywhere in the world.  I checked into that and found their clock ticking away the digital seconds and minutes and hours.

So, I think I'm good to go on Wednesday morning at exactly 7 AM, when I press the button to reserve our camp spot up at Waskesiu. 

We shall see if the Federal Campground Reservations web site has the same time as Greenwich!

Yes, we shall see. I shudder at the thought of trusting a Federal anything these days!!

Other than that, I managed to take a step or two today at physio without crutches.  Good grief!!!  It's like learning to walk all over again.  My leg was pretty cramped up and wobbly when weight was put directly on that knee cap, but I managed to do it.  Slow and steady, says Travis.  I felt kind of silly, actually.  Standing there in the gym with a whole whack of folks on tread mills and rowing machines and all sorts of high powered exercise machines...and me taking baby steps.  But Travis was very encouraging.  I got a few exclamations of "very good" and "well done" and the like, so I think I'm on the road to recovery.  Funny how when our muscles haven't been used much for almost 3 months (THREE MONTHS!!!!), they need all kinds of coaxing and prodding and sweet talk.  Travis said that even doing these small steps, my brain continues to remember my fall and automatically compensates by making my other leg work harder than necessary.  I must now train my right leg to walk like I used to and that means attempting to get my brain to forget the fall.  Our brains are strange pieces of matter.  Things we want them to remember, they forget...and the things we want to forget, they remember!  Yep, we're pretty strange creatures alright!

So, that was my day summed up.  Finding the right time of day...and learning to walk.

Hope yours was just as exciting.


Anonymous said...

Use your land line and cellphone at the same time to call PANP M & K do that for booking Keith Urban ;-)

Dave L

Sharon Kent said...

It's a toll-free number down east somewhere. When it's federal, you go through all hoops possible...they don't want to make it too easy for the regular camper, now do they!!??? That would be so UN-federal of them.

But perhaps I shall get K on the phone and just keep redialing. Might work.